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Southwest Ranches

Southwest Ranches

Southwest Ranches

The Town of Southwest Ranches is approximately 13 square miles, located in Southwest Broward County, and home to over 7,000 residents. The Town is a rural environment, filled with grazing animals, nurseries, farms, exquisite and unique scenery and an abundance of wildlife.

The zoning in the Town is almost entirely rural residential and agricultural. We also have a growing amount of zoning for recreation and open space, which preserves land for residents' enjoyment. The newest zoning district is for community facilities that serve the community.

Southwest Ranches was formed to stop encroaching development, and 'Preserve Our Rural Lifestyle,' which includes donkeys braying, roosters crowing, and no sidewalks.

Best Area in Southwest Ranches Broward County

Southwest Ranches is considered one of the best places to live in when you have young children and is also the best area for those looking for one of the best places in Broward County to relocate!

Samuel Johnson once wrote "To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition". This expression is true for many Americans. Of all the components that make up a happy life, your home is one of, if not the most important.

Browse Homes in the Southwest Ranches Communities

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